Janet Switzer
How Expert Building Empires

Finally, the Advisor Behind Many of the Biggest
Information Empires of Our Time...

“Reveals How to Catapult Yourself to
Becoming the Leading Expert in Your
Field With All the Fame and Fortune
That Goes With It...”

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You Probably Know
Very Little About Her...

Yet, She's Helped Build Information Empires for Chicken Soup for the Soul...Jay Abraham...Yanik Silver...
Mark Victor Hansen...Jack Canfield

and MANY Others You Know.

Now She’s Agreed to Reveal How Any Professional Who Sells Their Expertise for a Living Can Quickly Stop Trading Time
for Dollars
and Create Information Profit Centers
That Work for YOU Whether You
Choose to Work or Not.

Introducing Janet Switzer...

The Worlds Leading Expert at
Building Information Empires

Dear Fellow Professional,

For nearly 15 years, top authors, well-known speakers, information industry moguls and venture-capital professionals have all written the praises of “publishing phenomenon” Janet Switzer.

You may know her as the secret marketing weapon behind some of the biggest names in publishing.

For her few select clients, she's generated as much as $105,000 in six weeks, $31,000 in a matter of hours -- and for her last lucky client -- $1,018,729 in just 294 days!*

She has the uncanny knack of taking a book, an idea, a training concept or a successful business model and literally creating an information and publishing profit center around it.

Shes done it for some of the best, including Jay Abraham, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Chicken Soup for the Soul®, Laurie Beth Jones, Yanik Silver and many others -- often creating tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of dollars in record-time, out of thin air... but more often launching formidable and enviable new industry giants in the process.

Shes created an entire publishing empire in one year, creates lucrative seminar programs in one weekend, and negotiates major joint-venture deals in less than an hour. Shes an absolute genius when it comes to turning a person's business expertise or training idea into an information empire that generates an ongoing stream of predictable profits.

Her fees are astronomical -- 15% to 50% of gross proceeds -- for those experts lucky enough to become clients. In fact, Janets become so good at what she does, she can virtually guarantee publishing success for nearly any kind of author, professional practitioner or entrepreneur in the country... regardless of subject matter. However, her most precious asset is her time -- and she guards that time judiciously.

The truth is ...Janet turns down virtually every potential client who contacts her.

Now, through a unique arrangement with select Internet partners, Janets decided to finally reveal her marketing strategies, copy writing techniques and empire-building blueprints to you.

In a few minutes from now, you will have access to Janets powerful series of step-by-step reports that detail how you, too, can build a steady stream of revenue from teleseminars, home-study courses, subscription consulting, mentorship programs, joint ventures, training weekends and more.

Each report is detailed - complete with a comprehensive task list, sample marketing pieces that get prospects to respond, vendors you can use to help you execute at rock-bottom prices, plus insights from the big name experts and celebrity authors Janet developed these strategies for.

Janet Switzer Has Achieved:

“One of Janets Strategies Made
Me $105,000 in Just 6 Weeks!”

“The first strategy Janet developed for me turned a $572 expenditure into $31,000 in just six hours. Her second turned $1,280 into $105,000 in just six weeks.

Its no wonder I've sought Janets day-to-day expertise over the years... she makes me tons of money, she brings valuable new products and services to my customers, she enables me to do positive things for people -- and she accomplishes it all with modest outlays, keen judgment and bullet-proof insight. I regularly recommend her to others.”

Jack Canfield
Co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul

“I Recommend Her
With Confidence!”

For nearly twelve years, Janet Switzer has worked directly or indirectly for my companies. From marketing development, core copywriting, re-packaging materials into new product offerings... she is highly capable, extremely dependable and conducts herself professionally and credibly.

A valuable resource... I recommend her with confidence!

Jay Abraham
America's Legendary Business and Marketing Guru

“Shes One of The Best Marketing Minds On The Planet”

“Janet Switzer is one of the best marketing minds on the planet with a unique talent for producing profits I can bank. She's easily made me hundreds of thousands of dollars with her simple strategies, including one that makes me over $100,000 every time I use it.

Janet educates my staff on how to leverage these programs for even greater gains. And I know she does the same for companies in all sorts of industries. She can do the same or more for you.”

Mark Victor Hansen
Co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul

“Over a Million Dollars
in 42 Weeks”

“...$169,147... $122,138... $150,849
were Typical Months.”

“In reviewing the accounting records of a company I was involved with, I was amazed to see that a consultant named Janet Switzer had earned that company over a million dollars in just 42 weeks.

She turned a profit center that was hardly worth the effort into the most profitable division in the company.

It immediately jumped from producing the company a few thousand dollars a month to producing serious cash flow. $169,147... $122,138... $150,849 were typical months. I was astounded. No one in their industry had seen revenues anywhere near this high, and this company was doing it month after month!

Their name recognition went through the roof. The whole strategy was brilliant, calculated, masterful and highly effective. Simply amazing! Retaining Janet Switzer, and trusting in her strategies, was unequivocally the best decision they had made in over a decade of doing business.”

Gary Handwerker
Chief Executive Officer, Handwerker Consulting.
Business Systems Specialists

“Exceptional Talent and Insight!”

“Janet Switzer is a wordsmith of exceptional talent and insight. She goes the extra mile to assure that people catch the essence of what you have to offer, and her words make them want it!”

“I heartily recommend her to anyone.”

Laurie Beth Jones

Best-selling author of Jesus CEO and The Path and
Founder of Pathfinders value-centered consulting affiliates

“Shes Savvy,
Practical and Reliable...”

“In a world that echoes with the dubious claims of thousands of so-called marketing experts, Janet Switzer doesn't just talk -- she delivers. Shes savvy, practical and reliable... and the profits she creates are nothing short of extraordinary.

Her programs make companies tons of money, while they leave business owners saying “Why didn't I think of that?” She takes a little money, combines it with a lot of expertise and creates profits beyond your wildest dreams.”

Michael Hutchison
Former VP of Sales & Marketing and Developer of
Anthony Robbins Mastery University for Robbins
Research International

“One Idea Janet Gave Me, Made
Me $173,000 in 2 Weeks”

“For most people, Janet's name is completely unknown, but to those "in the know" she's the secret marketing weapon behind many of the biggest names in marketing.

Janet's specialty is showing you how to take your information product and re-package it as a super expensive package (I'm talking $5,000, $10,000 or even $25,000 or more).

If you've ever wanted to transform your ideas into millions of dollars in revenue from certification programs, home-study courses, tele-seminars, boot camps, subscription consulting and other super-lucrative areas, don't you dare miss this opportunity.”

Yanik Silver
Expert Internet Marketer

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Yes, I Want Access to
Janet’s Reports Now!

Please rush me Janet Switzer’s complete series of step-by-step reports that detail the exact strategies she's used to help her celebrity clients earn literally millions of dollars over the past 15 years.

This information sounds amazing - I cant wait to read these reports over the next few days and learn:

  • How a simple strategy Janet executed in 6 hours earned Jack Canfield $105,000 over just 6 weeks.* (Its simplicity will
    astound you.)

  • How Janets last lucky client earned $1,018,729 in just 294 days.*

  • The complete strategy Janet gave to Yanik Silver that made him $173,000* in two short weeks.

  • Plus... You'll receive Janets comprehensive report detailing her unique twist on the Funnel System of Marketing...

  • You'll get her report on how to develop and sell expensive coaching programs...

  • You'll read how Janet launches lucrative new mentorship programs... plus so much MORE!

How much is Janet charging for the same information her clients have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for?

Absolutely no charge. That's right... these 7 reports are completely FREE to you, just by following two simple steps:

  1. To get started, complete the sign-up form below.

  2. Watch your email in the next few minutes for the first of Janet's valuable reports coming your way over the next several days.
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Janet Switzer's How Experts Build Empires Report Series is a publication of:

Instant lncome Worldwide, LLC
107 North Reino Road #415, Newbury Park, CA 91320 | (805) 499-9400 | Fax (805) 499-9470
Copyright® 2006-2009 Instant lncome Worldwide, LLC. | How Experts Build Empires is a trademark of Janet Switzer.
Other trade and service marks are the property of their respective owners.